Friday, November 30, 2007

Saving live streaming videos using VLC player

Now that there have been many times when I have come across a live streaming video. If I find that interesting, I would like to download it, don't you agree ?

You can now stream live via VLC player itself

Here's how:
1. Open VLC Player
2. Click on File > Open Network Stream
3. Navigate to the 'Network' tab (if it is not currently active)
4. Select the 'HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/MMS' radio button and paste the following URL in the textbox next to it
5. In the same window, bottom of the window, enable 'Stream/Save' checkbox and click on Settings button
6. A new window with title 'Stream Output' will open
7. Enable 'Play Locally' and 'File' checkboxes. Click on 'Browse' for file option. Navigate to the desktop and enter filename as 'Conference.wmv' and click Save.
8. You will come back to the 'Stream Output' window.
9. Here, you select 'Encapsulation method' as MPEG1 (3rd radio button)
10. below that, enable the Video Codec and Audio Codec options
Settings for Video codec --> mp4v, 1024, 1
Settings for Audio codec --> mpga, 192, 2
11. Click OK and you will come back to the 'Open' window
12. Click OK again. This will close the 'Open' window and bring you back to VLC
13. The video should start on its own (if not, click on the PLAY button)
14. you will need to let the whole file play and once it is over, click on STOP
15. If you stop in between, the file will get saved till that point only and it will not save the rest of the file
16. Once the file is saved, PARTY !!! :)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

What is this blog all about ?

This blog 'Mixed Bits' is basically stories related to technology, music, videos that have a lighter side and/or is just fun to read or to know. I will be posting everyday here with links from Digg, Engadget, Gizmodo, YouTube,, etc. Please do feel free to go through the site and vote for stories from the various sites. Thanks
